We had a great response from Blue Sky members about who they are supporting in this election. Blue Sky makes recommendations based on who our members think are the best choice, and who best exemplifies our values.
EARLY VOTING STARTS MARCH 22nd. It can be offered until Sunday, April 3rd, but I think most clerks in Waukesha County will offer it only until close of business on Friday, the 1st. The city of Waukesha is staying open until 5 PM that day. (A little later than usual.) Please check your local municipality's website for exact hours.
If you are mailing or dropping off your ballot, please double check that you have a witness signature AND they wrote their WHOLE address! Also, you must drop off your ballot WITH THE CLERK. Drop boxes are not allowed in this election because of legal challenges still being decided at the Wisconsin Supreme Court. You can only bring your own ballot to the clerk, not anyone else's. (This may change for future elections after the Supreme Court ruling.) If you mail your ballot it must arrive to the clerk by April 5th, so get it in the mail by April 1st or sooner.
I want to know if Blue Sky is a pro-Democratic forum?