Blue Sky Waukesha is place for progressives, liberals, and independents in Waukesha County.
Feel like a blueberry in a bowl of cherries? We understand!
We believe in equality for all; that civil rights and civil liberties must be celebrated and protected; that robust voting rights, freedom of information, public education, and accountability are the keys to a successful democracy; that society benefits from diversity; that unions build a strong middle class; and that people are more important than money.
Join us to be informed, engaged, and empowered! We will send emails with news and invitations to programs, but not too many. :-)
Blue Sky Waukesha is a place for progressives, liberals, and independents in Waukesha County.
Feel like a blueberry in a bowl of cherries? We understand!
We believe in equality for all; that civil rights and civil liberties must be celebrated and protected; that robust voting rights, freedom of information, public education, and accountability are the keys to a thriving democracy; that society benefits from diversity; that unions build a robust middle class; and that people are more important than money.
Join us to be informed, engaged, and empowered! We will send emails with news and invitations to programs, but not too many. :-)